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Dr. Kevin Kelleher is a multifaceted musician with a passion for versatility. His career consists of a combination of contrasting yet related musical pursuits, having professional credentials as a performer and producer, a composer and songwriter, an audio engineer and sound designer, and a scholar and teacher. Some notable accomplishments are provided herein as a sampling of Kelleher's work in a multiplicity of musical endeavors.

Drums & Percussion

The drum set is Dr. Kelleher's primary instrument. With over three decades of experience playing drums and percussion, Kelleher performs both nationally as well as internationally and records albums in a wide variety of styles and genres, including Pop, Classical, Reggae, Wind Symphony, and Modern Dance.

Word, Sound, & Power

On this Billboard-charting album by the internationally recognized band Christafari, Kelleher's dynamic playing is featured on the drum set. True to the group's energetic live performances, Kevin tastefully translates this charismatic quality of the band to the recording studio environment. Kelleher is also credited on the album as songwriter, programmer, and percussionist.


In addition to showcasing his drumming in the Pop music paradigm, this album by Ace Winn exhibits Kelleher's talents as a producer. Here, Kevin fulfills such duties as collaborating with an artist to realize their musical vision, guiding the performances of musicians to best suit the song, as well as arranging and writing horn and string parts to add other elements of interest.

© 2017 by Dr. Kevin Kelleher

Last Updated on September 01, 2023

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